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Chronicles from a Caribbean Cubicle


The Power of Writing

Since I started blogging last year the number of words that I have written for public consumption has gone up dramatically. It has really been an amazing outlet for me, and an avenue for ideas and self-expression that has been fun and mind-opening at the same time.

Only now can I imagine writing a full fledged book -- how many blog entries would it take to write a book after all?

However, I have not been as successful in convincing other consultants that they also must write.

I read the following article from Robert Middleton today, sent to my inbox as an ezine. I decided to share a link, but I cannot find a link so here is the email I received in total:

Hi Francis,

As you go through the InfoGuru Manual you might have noticed that I talk about writing quite a bit. In fact almost every chapter has something about writing - writing your marketing materials and web site copy, writing articles and talks, writing eZine copy and writing motivational copy.

In my opinion, writing is THE KEY to marketing professional services. There's no way to really get around it. Someone once said that writing was simply 'salesmanship in print.'

Sure, you can network and meet a lot of people, but by committing information about your services to writing you can 'meet' hundreds, if not thousands of people and tell them all exactly the same message about your services.

I was once struck by the power of writing when I was leading a business support group many years ago. I was demonstrating the power of ad copy and showed them a little ad in a local directory of services. This ad was about massage therapy. The headline, the copy the appeal were so interesting and attractive that one of the participants wrote down the telephone number to call the advertiser.

The interesting thing is that we had a massage therapist in our group who offered substantially the same services and had been sharing what she did with the group for several weeks. But the power of that little ad had more impact on our participant than meeting and talking with a massage therapist on a regular basis!

The Core of InfoGuru Marketing is sharing what you know and leveraging that knowledge to attract all the clients you can handle. This isn't just an empty marketing phrase. It really works. And it starts with writing.

If you've gotten a few chapters into the manual and you haven't written anything yet, it's time to start. It might be your Executive Summary that gives an overview of your services or a short article or an outline for a talk. It doesn't matter. Start somewhere.

One of my mentors, Alan Weiss, the author of Million Dollar Consulting, writes every morning. I actually suggest you do the same. Take the time to write something that will forward your business. With this writing you'll have the ammunition to start promoting your business with real impact.

And, of course, there's a lot of information in the manual itself on how to write more effectively. don't just skim over these sections. Take the time to do the exercises and build some momentum in communicating the value of what you do.

All the best,

Robert Middleton

Action Plan Marketing
210 Riverside Drive
Boulder Creek, CA 95006

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"By Robert Middleton of Action Plan Marketing. Please visit Robert's web site at http://www.actionplan.com for additional marketing articles and resources on marketing for professional service businesses."

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  • Small world Francis. I've been reading Robert Middleton for some time. I really rate his approach. I've found that writing is a good experience for me. It ends up being quite addictive. I found that as I wrote more, I was able to let go of my obsession with producing "perfect" work. It's important to document and archive and hence reduce our overreliance on oral accounts. (S)he who writes defines. All the best with the newsletter relaunch.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6/28/2006  

  • The thing with writing a novel, most times it's the same subject you're writing on. With a blog, you touch on several different topics and write as things come to you so it's not as difficult.
    I've been reading your blogs though, and I'm sure if you decide on a novel, it will be fine. I'd like to do that one day.

    Anyway, take care.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7/01/2006  

  • Gela,

    Actually I have never even given thought to writing a novel! It is not that I have anything against the idea, but at the moment it doesn't even come into my mind as an interest.

    I guess that real life here in Jamaica enough of its own story-like quality.

    This may change, however.

    By Blogger fwade, at 7/06/2006  

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